Community Protest: Clean Up the Hunters Point Shipyard Superfund Site! Protect Bayview Hunters Point, Not Mega-Developers and Polluters!

Clean Up the Hunters Point Shipyard Superfund Site. Protect Bayview Hunters Point, Not Mega-Developers and Polluters! Join Greenaction for Health and Environmental Justice on September 17, 2019 1PM for a community protest in front of San Francisco City Hall. We Demand the City Support the Community Demands:  Comprehensive Retesting Read more…

Bayview Hunters Point Environmental Justice Task Force Meeting

On Wednesday August 21st 2019, Greenaction joined Bayview Hunters Point Environmental Justice Response Task Force for a community meeting where key speakers such as Rebecca Skinner spoke about San Francisco AQ, Peter Palmer and Emily Fan presented their research project tittled “Monitoring VOCs in Bayview Hunters Point Air Samples”, Air Read more…