Greenaction Mourns the Passing of Marie Harrison

Greenaction Board of Directors

Our board is made up of grassroots leaders from communities on the frontlines of the movement for healthy communities and environmental justice. We have a dynamic, dedicated, and diverse board that guides our organization’s work and helps keep us accountable to the communities we work with and for.


Alfredo Figueroa

Alfredo is a leader of the Sacred Sites Protection Circle, working to protect Indigenous sacred and culturally significant sites from destruction and desecration. He co-founded Escuela de la Raza Unida in Blythe, California, and was co-founder of the United Farm Workers Union in the Coachella and Palo Verde Valleys. Alfredo was co-founder of the Colorado River Ward Valley Coordinating Committee. Alfredo was a founding Board member of Greenaction.



Allen Gunn

Allen Gunn is Executive Director of Aspiration ( in San Francisco, USA, and works to help NGOs, activists, foundations and technologists make more effective and sustainable digital strategies in support of social, racial and climate justice.

Gunner has worked in environmental justice contexts for almost 30 years, supporting Greenaction and other organizations, communities and campaigns with technology and communications strategy, security practices, and staff training. He also serves as an advisor to projects working to create appropriate and sustainable digital archives designed to document frontline environmental justice victories, campaigns and struggles.

In his role at Aspiration, he connects nonprofit organizations, free and open source projects, philanthropic funders and activists with strategic frameworks, technology solutions, digital practices and data skills that help them more fully realize their missions.

His full bio is available at Aspiration’s site



Teresa Johnson

Teri is a mother and advisor to Children for a Safe Environment in Phoenix, Arizona. Teri got involved when her daughter passed away after growing up in a contaminated community. In 1987, Teri and her surviving daughter formed Children for a Safe Environment. Teri was a leader in the epic statewide fight that defeated plans by the State of Arizona and the company ENSCO to build a hazardous waste incineration and landfill facility in the low-income town of Mobile, Arizona. Teri has been involved in the Indigenous Environmental Network starting with the first Protecting Mother Earth conference at Dilkon in the Navajo Nation in 1990. Teri was a founding Board member of Greenaction.

Lori Thomas Riddle

Board Co-Chair

Lori is the Director and co-founder of the Gila River Alliance for a Clean Environment (GRACE), a grassroots tribal member organization on the Gila River Indian Community reservation in Arizona working on environmental and sacred site and cultural protection. Lori was a leader in the fights that closed the Romic toxic waste plant and the Stericycle incinerator on the reservation. Lori and her family were poisoned by living on a site contaminated by pesticides.

Ruben Rodriguez

My name is Ruben Rodriguez. I am the son of immigrant parents and a proud Xicano. I have lived on the west side of Fresno County for the majority of my life and have come to understand the need for immediate social action. My experience working in the field and growing up in a farm working community has allowed me to see the struggles and injustices that these beautiful and resilient people face on a day-to-day basis. I stand with those that want to make this world a better place! We must all do our part in society to assure that we resist this nonsense and defend what is right! For our children, our elders, and all of our relations!





Ophelia Rivas
Tribal Affiliation: O’odham
Ali Jeg’k Cmmunity, (Little Clearing)
O’odham Lands, Mexico and U.S
Organization: O’odham VOICE Against the WALL

O’odham Rights Cultural and Environmental Justice Coalition

I am an O’odham woman, grandmother and orignal O’odham seeds gardener. I have been honored to
work with our Elders both ceremony people and community people in communities in Southern
(Mexico) and Northern (U.S.A.) O’odham lands advocating for O’odham Rights and Human Rights.
Stiving for dignified solidarity with all Nations.
Dauntless efforts;
O’odham Righs and Human Rights advocate over 35 years
Inter-American Commission on Human Rights testimonial in Jamaica, 2020
United Nation Indigenous Observer. 2002-2004
World People’s Conference on Climate Change and Rights of Mother Earth, Indigenous Working Group
co-president on the Rights of Mother Earth, Cochabamba, Bolivia, 2010
Woman on the Border Award,Tucson, Arizona, 2010
National Indigenous Congress, Mexico, life member

Jane Williams

Executive Director of California Communities Against Toxics and was a co-founder and original Board member of Greenaction.

Honorary Board Members

Esperanza Maya

Esperanza is a co-founder of El Pueblo Para Aire y Agua Limpio/People for Clean Air and Water of Kettleman City and helped lead the successful fight to stop the incinerator proposed by Chemical Waste Management. Esperanza was a co-founder of California Communities Against Toxics and was a co-founder of  Greenaction who served on our Board of Directors for over 22 years.

In Memoriam: Honorary Board Members 

Judy Brady was a cancer activist, cancer survivor, and writer who works to unite cancer survivors with community and environmental health and justice organizations to stop cancer by stopping pollution. Judy was a founding Board member of Greenaction.

Tessie Ester was a co-founder of the Bayview Hunters Point Mothers Committee for Health and Environmental Justice, President of the Huntersview Tenants Association, and a leader in the victory that closed the polluting PG&E Hunters Point Power Plant.

Mamie Harper was Chairwoman of the Mohave Elders of the Colorado River Indian Tribes and was a leader in the victory against the proposed Ward Valley nuclear waste dump. Mamie and the Elders worked to protect their tribe from a hazardous waste company operating illegally on tribal lands that emits toxic contaminants into the air, threatening the health of the people and desecrating an adjacent sacred site. Mamie was a founding Board member of Greenaction.

Mary Lou Mares was a co-founding Board member of Greenaction and a
co-founder of El Pueblo Para el Aire y Agua Limpia/People of Clean Air
and Water of Kettleman City.

Mary Lou helped mobilize her community to defeat plans by Chemical Waste
Management/Waste Management to build a commercial hazardous waste
incinerator in her Central Valley farmworker town of Kettleman City,
California – one of the epic victories in the history of the
environmental justice movement.

Marie Harrison was a long-time Bayview Hunters Point community leader and served on Greenaction’s staff from 1999 through 2017. When her illness made it impossible for her to continue on staff, Marie joined our Board of Directors until she passed in 2019. Marie led the campaign that closed the PG&E Hunters Point power plant and watchdogged its cleanup. Marie co-founded the Huntersview Mothers and Fathers Committee and helped mentor its members as they expanded from Huntersview Public Housing to a community-wide group, the Bayview Hunters Point Mothers and Fathers Committee for Health and Environmental Justice. Marie helped found and coordinate our Bayview Hunters Point Environmental Justice Task Force, and helped design and implement our model Diesel Education and Emissions Reduction Project.